" SpiritofSaltSpring:BC:Canada:GulfIslands:SaltSpring:Salt Spring:

April 24, 2008

Are We Having Fun Yet?

-taken during Expo86, Vancouver

Today, I threw up my hands, got on the phone, and called Neil and Richard for a beer at lunch. I picked them up from TRIUMF and we went to the UBC Golf Course Pub which was packed. Geez. Doesn't anybody work anymore?

Neil tells me he's retiring early. We toasted his early retirement. I moaned about my job hunting woes. Then, we toasted my new job at the Port of Vancouver (they say you're supposed to pretend you've already got the job you want).

After a beer and two hugs, I was on my way.

Then, I found this fantastic video while I was stumbling around (not from the beer), but from StumbleUpon.

I don't know anyone personally that I can think of who at this very moment would say that they are having ENOUGH fun.

Watch this The 8 Irresistable Principles of Fun and put a smile on your face.


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