" SpiritofSaltSpring:BC:Canada:GulfIslands:SaltSpring:Salt Spring:

September 26, 2008

Orchestrated Coincidence?

Tonight, I go to a bar down the street on Denman with my friend Dee to have a drink because I'm leaving and I need to cram in as much quality time with my friends as I can.

We're sitting at the bar and there is this couple beside us. At first we're just talking to each other but I keep looking at the woman and I think to myself, she looks familiar.

Finally, we all start talking and I say to her, you look familiar to me but I'm pretty sure I don't know you.

Then, I say, Are you a librarian? I have no idea why I say this except that she kind of looks like a librarian. Her husband says, No, she's a television producer.

Then, I ask them, where do you work? What television station? He says, I work at the CBC. I say, how long have you worked there? He says 25 years. I say, Did you ever know someone named Mac Rymal? He says, I worked with Mac Rymal. I was friends with Mac Rymal. Mac Rymal lived on my float home. I say, Oh my God. I had a relationship with him. I know your boat. I loved that boat. I can't believe that you owned the boat that Mac lived on. What's your name? My name is Paul H. (I won't give his full name). Oh my god, I say, Mac used to talk about you and how it used to be your boat. I know who you are!

Now. What is the chance, in a city as large as Vancouver, that I would end up talking to a man in a bar who used to own the boat that the man who had the most significant impact on my life to date (and probably forever) would actually have owned? I say to him. Oh my god. You know what I loved the most about your boat? I loved those bookcases!

Suddenly our glasses are being filled with more red wine.He's buying us drinks.

He says, I can't believe I made those bookcases. I'm not very good with my hands but I did love those bookcases. They were made of pine. Ya, I say, they were awesome!

It was one of those moments in life where you just think, okay, there is life after death and Mac is orchestrating this. There is no way that I would end up in a bar, having a conversation with the man who owned the float home where I had the most profound experiences of my life; experiences that would change me forever and I would feel as if I finally got to meet the man who Mac had talked about and who had owned the boat that was our little "love shack".

Life is too weird. I do not think for one second that our meeting was a coincidence.

Unbelievable! I feel like it's Mac's way of saying, I'm with you Gayle. Don't worry about being on your own and being lonely in Saltspring because baby, I'm with you. Still. After all these year!

It's just too amazing for words! And, it brings me great peace.
It's too crazy but I have faith that it is an orchestrated coincidence no matter now impossible that would be to prove!


Janet said...

Hi Gayle,

This is Mac's daughter, Janet. For some reason, this morning I have been trolling ancestry sites and ended up googling my dad's name to see if there was anything new about him online.

I read your blog about him and wanted to share something with you that may confirm that what you concluded about your experience is probably not far off the truth.

After watching the addictive John Edwards (I talk to dead people) one day, he mentioned that he had asked his deceased mother for a sign, and that the sign be a feather. Bored, and joking around, I said, "Hey! I want a feather, too!".

A couple of days later, my boyfriend calls me out to the driveway to help him with something. I look down and on the ground is a beautiful red feather - the kind that are in men's fedoras. As you know, my dad would never have sent me a crappy pigeon feather, only the best! That feather has lived in the sun visor of my last 3 cars, and will always be with me. Even if it was just coincidence, it makes me feel good.

I hope you still check this blog...take care :)


Gayle Mavor said...

Hi Janet,
Thanks for sharing. Hope you and Riley are well. Hey, as you say, we'll never know but it feels good to think it's not just a coincidence. I like your storey and yes, a feather off a Fedora would be fitting from him. It makes me smile just thinking about it.
Take Care.

Anonymous said...

I knew Mac. He was the entertaining part of the news. He also worked with my dad, so that's why I knew him. Nice guy.

Syowoe said...

Hello Anonymous,
Thanks. Unfortunately I met him after he was active on "the news" so didn't see him in action. I wonder who your dad is. I wonder, I wonder. Thanks for leaving a comment.