" SpiritofSaltSpring:BC:Canada:GulfIslands:SaltSpring:Salt Spring:

April 03, 2009

Let the Market Begin

Tomorrow is a very exciting day. It's the first day of The Saturday Market for 2009.
I have been busy matting and glueing my photos to cards. I have no idea whether I'll sell much but I think the experience will be interesting and I'm not going to let any inner critic stop me from just putting it out there even though, yes, I could have more stock than I do at the moment.
On the other hand, if I was to sell 70 cards and 25 matted prints, that would be pretty amazing so I suspect I have more than enough stock for now.

Tomorrow will be just the test run because I expect, given that it's the first day and after all the cold weather the tourists will not be here yet to any significant degree.

But, it just seems like, if you're new to Salt Spring, you MUST participate if you have a creative product to sell.

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