" SpiritofSaltSpring:BC:Canada:GulfIslands:SaltSpring:Salt Spring:

July 05, 2011

Care To Change Video Results

In May, I attended  with two other friends the Care To Change weekend sponsored by The United Way Lower Mainland and facilitated by ReelYouth. A collection of adults who ranged in age from their 20s - 50s came together to make short films about a social issue. These are the results of that weekend.  Nahani Willis, one of our team members (above) who is neither an actress nor a mime did an amazing job acting out how poverty puts many people, in this case women, into an invisible box that keeps them from fully participating in life.  This is the result of us learning "everything" (in front and behind the camera) in less than 3 days on how to make a short two minute film (mentored by Reel Youth facilitators) about three issues in society that affect us all whether we experience them directly or vicariously.


Isolation of Seniors

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